14 English questions for December 2024

14 English questions for December 2024

Do you like rock and roll? Will robots take over the world one day? What is Romania most famous for? Did you commit any crimes when you were a child? What are the good things and bad things about Rwanda? What are the causes of senility? What do you think of the word ‘barbecue’? Do you use Internet banking services? When and why do you think kissing first started? Is all knowledge useful? Why is black commonly the colour of mourning? Do you have any learning difficulties? Do you think white lies are OK? Would you like to live in...
17 English questions for November 2024

17 English questions for November 2024

1 Are social networking sites dangerous? 2 What do you know about zombies? 3 What do you think of the idea of sitting on a sun drenched beach for a few weeks? 4 Do you think the beauty industry is important? 5 Are you good at networking face to face? 6 What did you do on your last birthday? 7 Would you like to study zoology? 8 Do you agree with letting people off from punishment? 9 Do you think poetry is too much like hard work? 10 What’s it like studying English? 11 What are your early memories of UFOs? Were you scared? 12 What is poetry? 13 Should children be allowed to use social networking sites? 14 What kind of office would you like? 15 What advice would you give to other students who want to improve their pronunciation? 16 What do you think of the system of charging people with war crimes? 17 What do you think corporal punishment is? Is it...
10 English questions for Ocober 2024

10 English questions for Ocober 2024

Are there enough holidays in your country for which workers get the day or days off? Is it better to stay at home on holidays or go somewhere? What’s it like moving around your country during holiday time? Do you always wear summery clothes? What things about summer do you like most and least? Do you like going to summer festivals? What adjectives would you use to describe summer? If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Do you have problems with your name and legal documents? What thing in the world you like to be named after...
13 English questions for September 2024

13 English questions for September 2024

What is your ‘identity’? What does the abbreviation IMF stand for? When did you begin to feel like you were an adult? What happens during adolescence?Which countries produce top quality goods? Would you rather have quality or quantity? What can you do to study for a general knowledge quiz? Do you like watching quiz shows on TV? Where do you usually listen to the radio? When is the best time to listen to the radio? What do you know about Jamaican history? What do you know about Jamaica food? How are...
English questions for SUMMER 2024

English questions for SUMMER 2024

  Do you like looking at the Moon? What do you like doing by moonlight? Are you worried about the mental health of anyone you know? Are you worried about your mental health? Do you think miners are paid well? What different types of mining do you know about? Do you think female models need to be so thin? Do you think models get paid too much? How often do you think about money? Do you ever run out of money? What are the differences between a sound and a noise? Do you sound like your parents?...