17 English questions for May 2018

17 English questions for May 2018

1 Do you prefer reading, listening, speaking or writing lessons? 2 What do you think zombies chat about when they get together? 3 What’s it like to be your best friend? 4 What is a war dance and who does (used to do) them? 5 Do you ever think you have bad luck? 6 Have you ever seen a UFO? 7 Do you ever type LOL (laugh out loud) when really you aren’t laughing? 8 Do you ever punish yourself? What for? 9 What’s it like being you? 10 Do you like taxis? 11 Are there zombies (of any kind) in your culture? 12 Do you think there’d be fewer wars if all countries were ruled by women? 13 Would you prefer to meet new people at a party or online? 14 How do you think current wars could be stopped? 15 Do you have any good UFO stories? 16 What would you do if you woke up one morning and all of the people in your town were zombies? 17 Should politicians be punished if they break their...
17 English questions for April 2018

17 English questions for April 2018

1 Can you remember what you did each year on your birthday? 2 Is it easy to start a business in your country? 3 José Narosky said: “In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.” Do you agree with this? 4 What purpose do zoos serve? 5 The Geneva Convention issued a list of the rules of war? What do you think these are? Does it seem strange to have rules for war? 6 What happens in a zoo at night and the early hours of the morning? 7 What do you think future wars will be fought over? 8 Do your family and friends always remember your birthday? 9 Do you think the idea of beauty changes? 10 What’s it like being your age? 11 Do you like writing? 12 Do you like your handwriting? How would you describe it 13 E. L. Doctorow said: “Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.” Do you agree? 14 Would you like someone to write you a poem? 15 What do you think life will be like in the year 2100 and the year 3000? 16 What name would you give to a zombie movie? 17 Do you think old people like...
Talk in English with other new users (for free)

Talk in English with other new users (for free)

We would like to introduce a person who is ready to talk in English with you for free every day! He knows how to moderate English conversations. You can be at any level of English to contact him. You can contact him directly on Skype. His nick is ” mateju.david “ (location: the Czech Republic). If you also want to be promoted here as a person ready to talk on a daily basis, please write to us at newsinlevels@gmail.com and we will write an article like this one about you....
13 English questions for January 2017

13 English questions for January 2017

Which rappers have been the most important? Do you think aliens are likely to be more or less intelligent than us? What kind of things can you invest in? Do you ever impress people with your knowledge? Do you ever tell your friends secrets? Can you walk around your house without making a sound? How is the Earth unique in our solar system? How has technology changed society? What’s the best social networking site? How often do you sin? How do you measure success? Would you like to work in a stock market? What happens in a stock market crash?...
16 English questions for December 2016

16 English questions for December 2016

What do you know about the history of airplanes? What animals are there in your country? What images of King Kong have you seen in your life? Do you think spam has any negative impact on the Internet? What are your favourite salads? What do you think of your selfie collection? How would you describe your legs? What is the most beautiful bird? How important is meditation in Buddhism? What did you think of magic when you were a kid? Why do so many marriages go wrong? What do you do to maintain or improve your mental health? Is sugar addictive? What do you know about Mexican politics? Who are the most famous Mexican people you know? What adjectives would you use to describe Michael Jackson?...
12 English questions for November 2016

12 English questions for November 2016

Did you ever want Godzilla to beat King Kong? Are all salads healthy? Would you like to work on an airplane? What animal best represents your character? Can people of all ages take selfies? What’s your favourite bird? Why is the Buddha fat? Do you think a magician is an artist? What do you think of bigamy and polygamy? Would you like to take karate lessons? Are you sugar or spice? What do you know about Mexican...