11 English questions for December 2018

11 English questions for December 2018

Level 1 Are you a good writer in your own language? What kind of people are good at business? What happy memories do you have of your birthday parties? What is your favourite film? Level 2 Are you a cold, cool, warm or hot temperature person? Do you worry about writing exams? What pronunciation problems do learners of your language have? Would you like to start an Internet business? Level 3 Do you ever get tired of the sun? Would a book titled “A year in the life of [your name] be a good book? Do you ever want to throw all your clothes away and start your wardrobe...
14 English questions for November 2018

14 English questions for November 2018

Level 1 Do you like travelling? How often do you dance? Why are you studying English? How important is your family to you? Level 2 Are you a family person? What are important numbers in your life? Would you like to be an actor? Level 3 Do you ever feel jealous of your friends? Do you think governments should spend more money looking for signs of UFOs in the universe? Do you ever think you have too many things to finish on time? What’s the worst taxi drive you’ve ever had? Do you see beauty in the English language? If you were to write a poem right now, what would your subject be? Have you ever threatened your children with...
17 English questions for October 2018

17 English questions for October 2018

1 What’s it like outside? 2 What can you get done in a year? 3 In what ways is working a form of punishment? 4 What makes your blood boil? 5 What is social networking? 6 Do you think different races have different perceptions of what beauty is? 7 What are the good things and bad things about zoos? 8 What business skills do you have? 9 What could we do instead of punishing people? 10 Do you think about your beauty? 11 What is your favorite animal? 12 What’s it like studying English? 13 What are your early memories of UFOs? Were you scared? 14 What is poetry? 15 What’s it like to be a citizen of your country? 16 What beauty can you see around you now? 17 Do you like...
17 English questions for September 2018

17 English questions for September 2018

1 What do you do when you have a high temperature? 2 Why do taxi driver’s always talk about the weather? 3 How long is ‘donkey’s years’? 4 What is the most famous zoo in the world? 5 Do you have a favourite poet? 6 What animal would you like to come back to Earth as after you die? 7 What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘zombie’? 8 Have you ever had a very high temperature? 9 If you could take a year out from studying or work, what would you do? 10 Do you like to punish people? 11 Do you think it is important to get your beauty sleep? 12 Would you like to live to celebrate your hundredth birthday? 13 What does it mean to put years on someone or take years off someone? 14 What three adjectives would you use to describe a zombie? 15 Do you think you were born at a good time of the year? 16 Bertrand Russell said: “War does not determine who is right – only who is left.” What do you think of this quote? 17 What are the pros and cons of social...
17 English questions for August 2018

17 English questions for August 2018

1 Is there a time of the day or week you feel like a zombie? 2 What are your earliest memories of a zoo? 3 What animals have disappeared from your country? 4 Do you know any good websites to practice pronunciation? 5 Do you think it’s possible there are UFOs and the world’s governments are keeping it a secret? 6 If you were a zombie, what would you do with your life (death)? 7 Do you ever regret eating something after eating it? 8 What do you think when you see men walking on the moon or astronauts doing space walks? 9 Which sites of famous people would you like to join? 10 Do you ever feel jealous of your friends? 11 Do you think governments should spend lots more money looking for signs of UFOs in the universe? 12 Do you ever think you have too many things to finish on time? 13 If you spent six months in space, what would you do first when you came back to Earth? 14 Do you think the sun has healing powers? 15 Do you think creative writing is good for you? 16 What things do you do every year? 17 Isn’t social networking just a fancy name for meeting people and keeping in...
17 English questions for July 2018

17 English questions for July 2018

1 Do you ever get tired of the sun? 2 Do you have problems with linking different sounds? 3 Are you a good writer in your own language? 4 Are you a cold, cool, warm or hot temperature person? 5 Would a book titled “A year in the life of [your name] be a good book? 6 What kind of people are good at business 7 Do you worry about writing exams? 8 What pronunciation problems do learners of your language have? 9 What happy memories do you have of your birthday parties? 10 Do you ever check the temperature in your house? 11 Are social networking sites changing our daily behaviour? 12 Do you protect yourself from the sun? 13 Do you think taxi drivers should know every road? 14 Do you think animals know they are in zoos? 15 Do you ever want to throw all your clothes away and start your wardrobe again? 16 Do you have a favourite movie about the sun? 17 Would you prefer to start a “bricks ‘n’ mortar” business or an Internet...